Are you a post-secondary student? Do you struggle to keep up to the demands of your courses? Do you find it difficult to complete exams on time? Do you process and understand information slower than others? Do you feel overwhelmed during lectures and find it difficult to focus? Do you procrastinate and find it onerous to study and prepare for exams and presentations?

One of the biggest known barriers to student success in post secondary institutions is an undiagnosed learning disability and/or ADHD. In some cases, although a post-secondary student might be aware of a learning disability, they may not have the proper documentation to qualify for special accommodations and supports through a college or university.

A psychoeducational assessment is an important piece to understanding the unique way you learn. It will capture and highlight your individual strengths and weaknesses and precisely document the additional support(s) and accommodations you may require in order to be successful. In some cases, students may be granted additional time for exams and assignments, a private space to write exams, as well as access to assistive technology.

A current psychoeducational assessment will provide the proper documentation to ensure that the supports and accommodations you are receiving (or need to receive) are relevant and pertain to your needs as a post-secondary student. It is also important to note that the Alberta Student Grants program may cover a significant portion of the cost of a psychoeducational assessment (up to $1700). Please check to determine whether you may be eligible for this program by visiting the link below: