Fees are set in accordance with the recommended fee schedule of the  Psychologist’s Association of Alberta.

Please check with your extended health insurance plans regarding the coverage of psychological services as fees may be fully or partially covered. When not reimbursed by insurance, the fees for psychological services might be considered for an allowable medical expense for the purpose of income tax deductions. Clients will be billed directly for services rendered and a detailed invoice will be provided to submit for reimbursement.

Important Considerations for Post-Secondary Students:

The Alberta Student Grants program may cover a significant portion of the cost of a psychoeducational assessment (up to $1700). Please check to determine whether you may be eligible for this program by visiting: 


Fee Schedule:

  • Standard Psychoeducational Assessments – $2200
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessments- $1800
  • Social, Emotional, & Behavioral Assessments- $800 – $1000
  • Gifted Assessments:
    • Westmount Charter School- $500 – $900
    • GATE Program – $1800
    • Please note: fees will vary depending on the needs of the client for gifted testing. For example, if a child does not score within the gifted range and no report is required, a set fee of $500.00 is charged.